

英語寫作 閱讀(2.8W)

1.直接問句: 疑問詞 + 助V + S ...? 問句動詞要移到主詞前


間接問句:S + V + 疑問詞 + S + (助V) + V... 「間接問句」不是問句

* 他什麼時候要走? 我不知道他什麼時候要走。

When @s@[email protected]

= If [ S + V ] , [ S + V].

* 一動你就沒命。

Stir and u @s@[email protected]


Wuld that I culd g

* I hpe u can help e. 我希望你能幫我。 可能實現

I @s@[email protected]

= It is ipssible t tell @s@[email protected]

Our directr f studies is re capable than is ur principal.

= Our directr f studies is re capable than ur principal is.

= Our directr f studies is re capable than ur principal.


such(如此的), s(如此地) 的倒裝句 如此…以致於……

S is such +that子句 S is s ad. +that子句

as t Vas t V

= Such is S +that子句= S ad. is S +that子句

as t Vas t V

* 我的英文進步很大所以父母很高興。

M prgress in English @s@[email protected]



Thse (peple) @s@[email protected]

= I had sner stand than sit.

= I had rather stand than sit

= I prefer standing t sitting.

= I prefer t stand rather than sit.

54. nt s uch A as B 與其說是A不如說是B

* 人生的成功與其說是在於天才,不如說是在於勤奮。

Success in life depends nt s uch n talent as n diligence.

55. (是...的) 幾倍...

as + ad. ( + as B ) 看動詞決定用ad.或adv.

A + V + 倍數 + ad.比較級 ( + than B )

the 名詞 ( + f B )

* 這條河是那條河的兩倍長。

This river is t@s@[email protected]

Whsever[=N atter @s@[email protected]


一......就...... 此句型只用在過去式中

As sn as S + V , S + V

= S + hadhardlpp@s@[email protected]

= He is such an hnest an as t be trusted b all.

70. 一則因為A,再則因為B,......

What @s@[email protected]

* 他似乎過去很有錢。

He sees t have been rich. (= It sees that he @s@[email protected]

* 他發現狗被殺了。 He fund his dg illed.

很抱歉讓你久等了。 I’ srr I have ept u @s@[email protected]

= She is al

Se peple believe that…thers argue that…

129. 表示結論

In suar.

In shrt.

In a wrd.

The last but nt the the least…

130. 套語

Fr the table(chart、graph)listed abve, it can be seen that…

As a prverb sas,“where there is a will,there is a wa.”

It ges withut saing that…