

託福 閱讀(4.19K)

1. There has been undesirable trend in recent yearstowards the worship of money . A recent survey showed that X percent ofrespondents ranked getting rich as their top priority , compared to X percentonly a few years ago . Why do people fail to realize that wealth does notnecessarily bring happiness ?


2. Some months ago , a friend of mine was killed in atragic automobile accident involving a drunk driver . The incident was far fromrare , and was in fact typical of thousands of cases involving people dricing underthe influence of alcohol 。

3. I recently read a newspaper article on the rampantspread of child abuse . The deplorable problem of the widespread abuse ofinnocent children has aroused public concern nationwide 。

4. Should parents spare the rod and spoil the child ?Opinions concerning strict parental discipline vary widely . Some view strictdiscipline as nothing more than a form of abuse , while others argue it is anessential factor for instilling appropriate social behavior 。

5. What do you think of the increasing openness accompanyingthe ongoing sexual revolution ? Do you ever fantasize ? Answers to thesequestions should be based on a determination between appropriate andinappropriate behavior 。

6. Why do some governments persist in spending billionsof dollars on space exploration when starvation and poverty continue to gripmany countries throughout the world ? This particular question is being raisedby an ever increasing number of people 。

7. Judging from the reams of evidence presented , we cansafely conclude that the Three Gorges Project will change the lives of anuntold number of people forever 。

8. The ample evidence presented enables us to reasonablyconclude that the scourge of AIDS will be brought under control in theforeseeable future 。

9. We must seek immediate solutions for problems leadingto the rapid depletion of the earth's ozone layer . If allowed to proceedunchecked , the problem will undoubtedly exacerbate global warming and threatenlife as we know it today 。

10. Quite obviously , immediate action is needed toextricate 80 million Chinese people from the grips of poverty in order toremove the danger of social unrest and ensure continuing stability 。


1. 近年來出現了對社會有害的拜金主義傾向。最近的一項調查表明,X%的調查物件把致富作為他們的首選,相比之下,就在幾年前,只有X%的人這樣想。為什麼人們沒能意識到財富不一定帶來幸福呢?

2. 幾個月前,我的一個朋友死於一場與酒後駕車有關的悲慘車禍。這件事情一點兒也不罕見,事實上是數以千計的案件的典型,這些案件與在酒精作用下開車的人有關。

3. 最近,我在報紙上讀到一篇關於虐待兒童現象變得猖獗的文章。普遍虐待無辜兒童的問題令人深感遺憾,它已經引起了全國公眾的關注。

4. 家長應不應該閒了棍子、慣了孩子?針對嚴厲的家教的看法大相徑庭。有的人就是把嚴厲的管教看成一種虐待,而另外的人認為這是逐漸灌輸得體的社會行為的要素。

5. 你如何看待對現在的性革命越來越開放的態度?你曾經想像過嗎?回答這些問題之前應先界定得體和不得體的行為。

6. 既然世界上許多國家仍被飢餓和貧困所困擾,為什麼有的政府還堅持花費數十億美元用於太空探索?現在越來越多的人提出這個問題。

7. 根據現有的`大量證據,我們可以有把握地得出這樣的結論:三峽工程將永遠改變無數人的生活。

8. 提出的充分證據使我們能夠合理地得出這樣的結論:艾滋病的禍害在可預見的將來就能得到控制。

9. 我們必須尋求立即解決引起地球臭氧層快速損耗的問題的辦法。如果任其自由發展,這一問題無疑會加劇全球升溫,並且正如今天我們所知道的那樣危及生命。
