

公共英語 閱讀(1.92W)




1. will you be able to finish the job this week?

___________ , but I'm not skilled enough, you know.

A.I can't say so   B.I expect so  C. I'm sure so  D. I don't know so

2. We arrived at the station _______ late, or we the bus.

A. too much; would catch    B. a little too; had caught

C. much too; would have caught  D. too much; would have caught

3. Is it the watch you want ________?

A. to have it repaired     B. to repair it

C. to have repaired     D. to have repaired it

4. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag.

A. each carrying B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is

5. The little boy can't tell ________.

A. whose is that watch B. whose that watch is

C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is

6. If a baby bird stays _______ for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult.

A. living   B. lively   C. alive   D. live

7. We will not attack ______ we are attacked; if attacked,we will certainly counter-attack.

A. if    B. when   C. unless   D. even if

8. You can take ______ seat you like.

A. no matter what B. no matter which C. what   D. whichever

9. I ______ to speak to you all these days.

A. wanted   B. have wanted C. shall want  D. shall be wanting

10.A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket ______ fire to the hotel.

A. made B. set C. caused D. caught

11."Do you hear someone knocking at the door?"

"Yes, I did. I heard him ______ three times."

A. knocking B. knocked C. being knocking D. knock

r, John and Tom each ______.

A. say they came first B. says they came first C. says he came first D. say came first

ugh long power lines electricity goes ______.

A. to the place needed B. there it is needed C. where it is needed D. which it is needed

14. ______ from the apple tree.

A. It down fell  B. there it is needed   C. Down fell it  D. Fell it down

service in this restaurant is very poor; there are not enough waiters to wait ______ customers.

A. on B. for C. with D. to



Linda was a few minutes late. Wilson 16 the office when she got there. His secretary told her he 17 back in a few minutes. She 18 sit down and wait for a few minutes in outer office.

"I'll never get this job," she 19 herself. For a moment she wanted to 20 the building. Just then, Wilson came 21 the door and hurried into his office. A few minutes 22 his secretary took Linda in and introduced her,

Linda apologized 23 . Wilson didn't seem to 24 chatted casually (隨便地) for a few seconds and then 25 . He 26 her letter of application.

"You've never worked in radio or television before, 27 ? "he said. Now she was 28 that she would not get the job. Wilson asked her 29 questions.

30 he seemed impressed with her other qualifications(資格) was 31 when he asked her if she could start soon. "I wonder if you'd mind 32 next month?" he asked 33 .

34 seemed she had got the job 35 .

16. A. had left   B. has left   C. was left    D. would be leaving

17. A. had been  B. came   C. was     D. would be

18. A. should   B. had to    C. would     D. was able to

19. A. told   B. spoke   C. said     D. talked

20. A. run out   B run of   C. run out of    D. run away

21. A. through  B. across    C. cross     D. along

22. A. latest   B. last    C. late    D. later

23. A. to being late B. for being late C. to be late   D. for the late

24. A. mind  B. listen   C. notice    D. hear

25. A. took down with business  B. came down to business  C. settled down with business   D. got down to business

26. filled out  B. took out   C. sent out    D. threw away

27. A. haven't you  B. do you   C. have you    D. don't you

28. A. even more sure  B. much sure  C. even sure of  D. sure of

29. A. a few such   B. a few more  C. much a few  D. more a few

30. A. As her surprise  B. To her surprised  C. For her surprised  D. To her surprise

31. A. even more surprise  B. even much surprise  C. even more surprised      D. even much surprised

32. A. starting    B. to start    C. start     D. started

33. A. by a smile   B. with a smile   C. by smile    D. with smile

34. A. It     B. This    C. That     D. He

35. A. not at all   B. after all   C. all     D. after that




In the traditional(傳統的)marriage,  the man worked at a job to earn money for the family , Most men worked in an office , a factory, or some other place away from the home e the man earned the money , the paid the bills(帳) money was used for food , clothes , the house , and other family needs , The man made most of the decisions , He was the boss,

In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away from the house. she stayed at home to care for the children and her husband, She cooked meals, cleaned the house , washed the clothes , and did other housework , Her job at home was very important.

In recent years , many couples(夫婦)continue to have a traditional relationship of the kind . The man has a job and earns the money for the family . The woman stays at home and cares for the children and the house Americans are happy with the kind of marriage some other Americans have a different impression of marriage and family responsibilities(責任).

There are two important differences in male(男性)and female (女性)roles(角色)now. One is that both men and women have many more choices may choose to marry or to stay single may choose to work or stay at home men and women may choose roles that are comfortable for them.

A second difference in male and female roles is that within marriage many decisions and responsibilities are shared husband and wife may choose to have children,  or they may not they have children,  the man take care of them some of the time , all of the time or not at all woman may want to stay at home and take care of the children she may want to go to work and women now decide these things together in a marriage , Many married people now share these decisions and the responsibilities of their families.

36. Which of the following is NOT true in the traditional marriage ?

A. Men worked at a job to earn money for the family .

B. The women made most of decisions.

C. The woman stayed at home to care the children.

D. The man paid the bills.

37. In recent years ________.

A. young couples (拒絕)the traditional relationship.

B. the woman has a job and earns the money for the family .

C. the woman doesn't stay at home and care for the children and the house.

D. the role of men and women has begun to change .

38. Men and women may now choose all the following except to _______.

A. marry or to stay single . B. work or stay at home .

C. leave their jobs just because they have children

D. have their roles that are comfortable for them

39. The following are all now true except __________.

A. they may choose to have children or not

B. the man may tack care of the children some of the time.

C. the woman is the most important person in the house

D. the woman may want to go to work

40. Which of the following is not true?

A. Everyone tries to get married.

B. The man was the boss in the traditional marriage.

C. The woman's job at home was very important in the past.

D. Many Americans still have a traditional marriage.


In reading science,  a heading (標題)often gives a clue (線索)to a problem that is going to be discussed ing the problem clearly in your mind is the first step to take in studying such material. You are advised to do this in reading science articles.

1. Read the title and think about it .

2. Read all of the headings should get a clear idea of what the problems are without reading anything but the headings.

3. Next , read the article all the way through carefully. Each time you come to a heading that names a problem, read the paragraphs under that heading to find out : 1. more information about the problem;  the problem may be met .

41. This passage offers advice on _______.

A. how to read titles and headings B. how to find headings in an article

C. what problems to be discussed in science article

D. how to read science material

42. It is advisable for you ________.

A. to read the heading which you think is the title

B. to read the heading that names a problem

C. to read one heading and the paragraph under it each time

D. to read the headings only

43. Read the whole article after ________.

A. you have got all the information about the problem

B. you understand the title C. you have read one paragraph after another

D. you are clear about what to be discussed

44. You read the whole article carefully _________.

A. to get all the headings B. to see how the problem is discussed

C. to name problems D. to think about the title


此題要求改正所給短文中的錯誤。對標有題號的每一行作出判斷:如無錯誤,在該行右邊橫線上畫一個勾(√); 如有錯誤(每行只有一個錯誤), 則按下列情況改正:

多一個詞: 把多餘的詞用斜線()劃掉, 在該行右邊橫線上寫出該詞,並也用斜線劃掉。

缺一個詞: 在缺詞處加一個漏字元號(∧),在該行右邊橫線上寫出該加的詞。

錯一個詞: 在錯的詞下劃一橫線,在該行右邊橫線上寫出改正後的詞。

注意: 原行沒有錯的不要改。

Every morning John goes to work by trains. He     56.___________

always buys a newspaper,  it helps to make the time      57.___________

pass more quickly.

One Thursday morning, he turned on the sports     58.____________

page. He wanted to see the report about an important     59.____________

football match the night before,  The report was such     60.____________

interesting that he forgot to get off at his station. He

didn't know it when he saw the sea. He got off at the     61.____________

next station , and had to wait long time for a train to     62.____________

go back . Of course,  he arrived very late at the office.     63.___________

His boss were very angry when Tom told him why he was late .   64.___________

"Work is very more important than football!" he shouted.   65.___________

參考答案:56. trains → train 57. it → which 58. on → to 59. see → read 60. such → so

61. when → until 62. wait → wait a 63. 正確 64. were → was

65. very → much / 去掉very



注意:1.短文須包括所有圖畫的內容, 可以適當增加細節, 使文意連貫.



Ping Ping is a film fan. He is interested in films very much.

One Sunday afternoon, a new film "True Lies" would be shown. Ping Ping wanted to see it very much. It was four thirty and he ate his supper as quickly as he could. after supper he put on his cap and hurried downstairs. He ran all the way and did not know his cap fell on the ground. when he got to the cinema, it was already five o'clock. He bought a ticket in a hurry and rushed in. He found his seat and sat down. When he looked up, he found that the film had not arrived yet.

How disappointed he was!