

校園 閱讀(3.13W)



英文說課稿 篇1

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.

I have been ready to begin this representation with five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure.

Part 1 Teaching Material

The content of my lesson is New Senior English for China Book___ Unit____________________. This unit is about____________________ (topics). By studying of this unit, we’ll enable students to know_________________________ and develop the interest in___________________. At the same time, let the students learn how to____________________ (functional items). From this lesson, it starts___________________________(structures). (As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing.) Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of this unit. If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit.

Part 2 Teaching Aims

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus , and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings:

ledge objects

(1)The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expressions.

(2)The Ss can use the __________________ (grammar) in the proper situation.

(3)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about _______________________ (information) and get their own idea about _______________________________.

ity objects

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing

(2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies.

(3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

(4) To train the Ss’ abilities of studying by themselves and cooperating .

ion or moral objects

(1)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest in ____________________and set up self-confidence in _____________________.

(2)Teach the Ss_________________________, put the moral education in the language study.

Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points

Based on the requirement of the syllabus.

The important points are__________________________ such as ______________.

The difficult points are_________________________ for example_____________.

Part 4 Teaching Methods

As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help Ss develop good sense of the English language. For achieving these teaching aims, (after the analysis of the teaching material and teaching aims,) I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories.

unicative Approach

e Language Teaching

-based Language Teaching

l Situational Action a “scene — activity” teaching method , it establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss. At the same time, CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.

Part 5 Teaching Procedure

Step 1. Lead-in. (_____min)


Purpose of my design: (1) to catch Ss’ attention about the class/topic/passage.

(2) To set up suspense/develop interest in _______________.

Step 2. Pre-reading

Task 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

Let Ss _____________________________________________________________

Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)


Now, let’s see what happened to the_______________/ let’s check whether it is right or not.

Purpose of my design: (1) to get to know something about the _________________.

(2) To have a better understanding about the importance of ___________________.

Step 3. While-reading

Task 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

Skimming: Ss should read the material fast to find out the main idea/topic sentence for each paragraph.

Para 1 ___________________

Para 2 ___________________

Para 3 ___________________

Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

Scanning: Listen to the tape part by part to finish ___________________________.

Task 3. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

Scanning: Guide Ss to read the material carefully and take some important notes, then answer the following questions.

Task 4. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

Scanning: Ask Ss to read the material carefully and find out the correct answers to finish the following chart.

Purpose of my design: Enable students to understand the given material better by using different reading skills. And proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning. “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.

Step 4. Post-reading

Task 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

(task1)Ask Ss to close books and finish the summary according their notes.

(task2)Retell the story /Sum up the passage in Ss’ own words according to the chart.

Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

Discuss _______________________________________________with other group members and then choose a reporter to share their opinions about ____________________________________ with the whole class.

Purpose of my design: I think If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English. Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study.

Step 5. Homework



Purpose of my design: Homework is so important and necessary for to master the knowledge they learned after class. It will check whether the Ss achieve the teaching aims.

英文說課稿 篇2

一、 說教材

今天我說課的內容是外研社的國小英語新標準三年級起始第一冊module 6 school, unit2 what’s this? 我採用多樣化的教學手段將聽、說、玩、唱溶於一體,激發學生學習英語的興趣和願望,使學生通過合作學習體驗榮譽感和成就感,從而樹立自信心,發展自主學習的能力,形成初步用英語進行簡單日常交際的能力。


三年級的學生於本期剛接觸英語,對學習英語充滿了好奇和興趣,渴望獲得更多的英語資訊和知識。經過本模組第一單元的學習,學生已經初步掌握了詢問並識別物體的句型:what’s this? 和what’s that? 學生已掌握的知識和心理狀態為本節課的自主探究打下了基礎。

三、 說教學目標


(1) 讓學生能聽、說、認、讀pen,pencil,book,bag等單詞。

(2) 通過學習讓學生熟練掌握句型 what’s this? 和what’s that?


(1) 能聽懂let’s do中的指令並做出相應動作,如point to the …

(2) 根據圖片或在場景下進行簡單的英語交流和表達,培養學生靈活運用所學知識進行交流的能力.


(1) 通過學習活動,使學生有興趣聽、說英語,培養學生注意觀察、樂於模仿的良好習慣和主動競爭的竟識。

(2) 讓學生在鼓勵性評價的中樹立學習英語的自信心。

(3) 通過小組活動培養學生合作交流的能力,從而讓學生意識到學習英語的重要意義。



1、學習新單詞 pen,pencil,book,bag ,能正確認讀。

2、鞏固已學句型:what’s this? 和what’s that? 並能用 it’s a…作出相應的回答。


教具準備:課文錄音;帶單詞的物品圖片;實物pen,pencil,book,bag;魔法包;獎品(貼畫)。 學具準備:單色物品的圖片(學生課前畫好)



(一) 小組活動學習法


(二) 情境教學法


(三) 課堂評價主要以鼓勵性評價為主。





教育家托爾斯泰說過:“成功的教學所必須的不是強制,而是激發學生的興趣,激發學生參與學習的興趣,是新課匯入的關鍵。精彩的課堂開頭,不僅能使學生迅速地興奮起來,而且還會使學生把學習當成一種自我需要,自然地進入學習新知的情景。因此,在熱身的時候,首先讓學生演唱歌曲“plese stand up ”,並做上相應的動作,這樣的`匯入能很快吸引住學生,還渲染了學生學習英語的良好氣氛。同時,歌曲中的物品也可勾起學生們對已學物品單詞的回憶,對複習句型what’s this? 和what’s that?作好鋪墊。


教師出示tom的圖片,談話向孩子們引出本節課的新朋友:“it’s tom.” ,並讓學生熱情地和他打招呼。告訴學生們他是amy的弟弟,今年才三歲。小tom有些物品不認識,由於剛和大家見面,有些害羞,要老師代問,讓孩子們幫幫他。孩子們對幫助他人都比較熱心,反應都很積極。於是老師拿著tom的圖片,在教室裡四處走動,隨意拿起一件物品或指向一件物品,向學生提問:what’s this? 或what’s that?讓學生作出相應的回答。適時還可用what colour is it?進行詢問,藉以複習表示顏色的單詞。大力誇獎樂於助人的娃娃。這樣不僅複習了舊知識,渲染了學習英語的良好氣氛,而且滲透了思想品德教育。



1、教師拿著tom的圖片繼續指向教室裡的物品,向學生提問。課前教師在離講臺較近的牆壁兩側和較遠的後牆兩邊分別貼上pen,pencil和book,bag的圖片,分別使用what’s this? 和

what’s that?向學生提問,學生可用中文來回答。教師引導用“it’s a…”來回答,自然引出新單詞,進行單詞教學。





1、遊戲——say and point

請四位學生上來,分別站在四個不同的方位,手裡分別拿著實物pen,pencil,book,bag再請一名學生髮出指令:point to the…其餘學生做出相應的動作,以達到對新單詞的熟練掌握。這個活動完全由學生來操作,既鍛鍊了學生的膽量和能力,又激發了學生學習的興趣。

2、演一演。這個部分是由學生導學。指派一生扮演tom,在教室隨意走動,指向任一物品,用what’s this? 和what’s that?進行詢問,其餘學生扮演amy作答,以答到操練句型的目的。為了激發學生學習的積極性和主動性,可多抽幾名學生扮演tom練習。這個環節主要是操練學生能正確使用what’s this? 和what’s that?來提問。對能正確使用this和 that來詢問的學生要加以大力表揚和獎勵。

3、小組活動:ask and answer

以學習小組(四人)為單位,擺出pen,pencil,book,bag等文具,可故意將其中的一件放遠一些。然後指派一人分別用what’s this? 和what’s that?進行詢問,其他學生作答。依次輪流進行,藉以達到熟練掌握句型的目的。若組內成員不懂,其他成員幫助,團結一心,完成任務。教師巡視指導。

4、學習課文 what’s this?





1、完成運用任務(1):賽一賽——將sb24頁的activity 3設計為一個搶答賽。

教師出示單色物品,用what’s this?詢問,學生搶答。在這個環節,教師要注意引導學生加上顏色作答。不僅鞏固了新知,也複習了舊知。這個練習有一定的難度,教師要多加誘導,多給孩子思考的餘地。通過努力,相信孩子們一定能完成得很好的。對答得對的要大加讚揚和獎勵,比如說:呀,你真了不起!能說那麼長的英語句子了!太棒了!

2、完成運用任務2:將sb 25頁的activity 5設計為小組活動——show and ask

學生展示出課前畫好的單色物品圖片,在小組內互相用的what’s this? 和what’s that?來進行問答。提醒學生在問時把圖片拿出來,做出合適的動作;在答時儘量加上表示顏色的詞,教師巡視指導。 此任務的設計,重視了對學生思維能力、觀察能力的培養,特別是對學生合作學習能力的培養,讓學生們在師生,生生,小組等不同的合作方式中,學會傾聽,學會評價,為學生的終身學習奠定基礎。

(五) 課堂小結和課堂延伸








Module 6 School Unit 2 What’s this? What’s this?

It’s a red pen. yellow pencil. What’s that?

It’s a blue bag. green book.

英文說課稿 篇3

the footsteps of the 20xx world expo is getting closer and closer to us, civilized and harmonious call is still ringing in my ears. shanghai, china obtained the right to host the world expo 20xx, expo 20xx shanghai china will be a world event, the development of shanghai's new round of golden opportunity, as it is an important embodiment of our national spirit.

world expo is a great influence and a long history of international activities, is the largest gathering of human beings. people from around the world gathered in one place display their products and skills, boast of their hometown and motherland. expo set the culmination of human civilization, which has a unique appeal, make you feel surging.

world expo is a platform, we are the masters. she put up a platform for us to let the world know us; she built a bridge for us, so we better communicate with the world. this platform may let us display self wantonly. we are the masters here, we have to landlord, let guest experience enthusiasm and happiness.

everyone to contribute for the expo, we are no exception, as a living piece of fertile land in pudong's teachers, we are proud and pride. in the vision of a better tomorrow, we have to do for the world expo will own a wonderful ability, we have through our hands, warm heart and sincerity to practical action to achieve the commitment of shanghai to the world. we should educate the many students: do not throw garbage anywhere, no spitting, no jaywalking ... ..., hello, thank you frequently mention, let the material on this city with the new york comparable to the spiritual civilization. educate our students to exciting 20xx, willing to shanghai's future by copies of power, if only planted a small tree, participants in the shanghai world expo foreign guests feel: this is a forest city, pollution-free city, ancient and civilized city. better city, better life! until the time of the 20xx expo, then, we want to become a glorious volunteers, to changing our foreign friends in shanghai and china's long history, a

bout our education for the world expo will contribute their efforts.

we expect the majority of teachers will be great enthusiasm for the world expo into practical action to meet the world expo, the expo will be a total growth, and the city of development, the development of shanghai devote their efforts to advance hand in hand with shanghai.

英文說課稿 篇4




1、知識目標:What are u ding? I a watching。What is he ding? He is ding hewr。Is she reading? N, she is ding her hewr。






1、掌握並運用描述人物活動和地點的詞彙:watching, ding, eating cleaning, plaing, reading, swiing, shpping, pl, schl, all, librar

2、掌握並運用簡單的英語交際句型:What are u ding? I a watching。What is he ding? He is ding hewr。Is she reading? N, she is ding her hewr。











5. 我在教學過程中設計了填表和動詞填空的練習,以檢查學生對本課的掌握情況。在整個教學活動中,我還採用了幻燈片,對順利開展教學活動起到了很好的 輔助作用。












英文說課稿 篇5

The lesson I am going to talk about is from the teaching materialBook One ,Unit third part that is used by the kids in Grade One .

一、Analysis of the teaching material (說教材)

This is a dialogue that happens in the fruit shop ral sentences surround selling and buying the fruit will be learned ng the first and the second part in this unit ,the kids have understood simple instructions and act accordingly ,and they can say simple words ,phrases or sentences by looking at objects and the pictures : lychee, banana, apple,"What’s this ?It’s an apple."In Unit seven ,we grasped the numbers from one to ten main language points in this unit is to make sentences using the fruit and numbers freely and communicate with others in English in the fruit shop. And pay close attention to the single and plural forms of the nouns rding to the kids’ English level and the corresponding content in the daily life ,I give them some extra extending train their ability of communicate with the others in English ,I prepare the following design .

Teaching aims (教學目標)

1. knowledge and skill aims :(知識技能目標)

Review the names of the ten different kinds of fruit and recognize the numbers from one to ten .

Understand simple instructions about the numbers and act accordingly.

Practice English and communicate with others in the situation.

2. Equip them with the emotion ,attitude and value goals :(情感、態度、價值目標)

Cultivate the spirit of co-operations in the group work

Bring up the good quality of protect and make friends with the animals .

Teaching importance :(教學重點)

1. Make sentences using the fruit and the numbers . "Six oranges ,please .’

2. Distinguish the difference between the single form and the plural forms of the nouns ."one apple / two apples …"

3. The sentences used when selling and buying the fruit in a fruit shop.

Teaching difficulties :(教學難點)

1. Distinguish the difference between the single and the plural forms of the nouns .

2. Train their ability of communicating with others in English .

Teaching aids ;(教具準備)

Multimedia , flash cards ,fresh fruit and arrangements and decorations of the fruit shop .

Teaching methods :(教學方法)

Task objective teaching method method , performance and games methods .

二、Analysis of the learners :(說學習者)

We are facing the 5 to 6-year-old little kids who just graduated from the kindergarten ,and they can not tell the difference between kindergarten and the primary school. sometimes they even don’t know how to behave in the class. So ,I think the most important thing for me to do is to attract their interests and make them love English and feel confident in this subject ,I will play some interesting games with them ,show them the funny cartoon movie and role the plays in the text or have a competation. we should not only focus on the language point itself ,but also set up the real circumstance where I can encourage them to express themselves better I try my best to do is to arouse the kids’ interests and protect their enthusiasm.

三、Analysis of the teaching methods (說教法)

says that during the Foundation Education period ,the total goal for English lesson is to improve the pupils’ ability of comprehensive using language promotes task teaching structure rding to the little kids’ physical and psychological characteristics of keeping curios ,active and imitating and showing themselves .I adopt the "task –research—construct " teaching methods and organize the class to focus on the importance and solve the difficulties .I give the pupils an open and relaxed circumstance in which they can learn to observe ,think and discuss ng this procedure ,the pupils’ ability of thinking and using language is developed very well .

四、Analysis of the teaching procedures .(說教學過程)

1. Warm up .(歌曲熱身)

All the class sing English song "Ten little Indian boys " to arouse their interests and help them to step into English learning circumstance happily.

2. Review the fruit and the numbers those we learned in the first and the second part in this unit .(複習數字和水果)

A. Watch a funny video . and answer the questions .(learn more fruit and practice more sentence patterns eg: strawberry / watermelon/ pineapple /cherry) ask some questions .

What’s this ?

What colour is it ?

How many bananas are there ?

Do you like eating bananas ?

What is your favourite fruit ?

Encourage them to open their mouth and speak English as much as they can .

B. Play guessing game review the spelling of the words using the basic pronunciation knowledge .

C. Play a game named "up and down "asis on distinguishing the single and plural forms of the nouns .

3. Guide the pupils to the main teaching points .(引入新課)To comprehensive use the numbers and the fruit that is a needed in a fruit shop two volunteers to come to the front and choose the right number cards and stick it beside the right fruit according to the other pupils’ instructions quicker one will be the winner .

Eg: Six oranges ,please .

4. Time to practice for all the class (全體同學操練)。The pupils choose the right cards they have prepared and put them up above their heads when they hear the teacher’s instructions and give them to the teaching answering loudly: "Here you are .’

5. Watch a video (觀看多媒體,瞭解本課故事情節),understand what’s happening in the story ,(This part is important, reasonable and effective)and guide them to protect and make friends with the animals .

Present the situation of a fruit shop teacher will act a shopkeeper and invite a better pupil to be the customer and finish all the buying steps .

Shopkeeper : Good morning .

Customer : Good morning .

Shopkeeper : Can I help you ?

Customer : Yes ,six oranges ,please .

Shopkeeper : Here you are .

Customer : Thank you very much .

Shopkeeper : You are welcome .

6. Consolidation and Practice(鞏固和練習)

Group work : Divide the class into eight groups and every group will be decorated into a fruit shop, ask one pupil to be the shopkeeper and the other members in this group will be the customers urage them to buy and sell the fruit with what they learned in this part ,I design a real situation that is common in our daily life and the kids will not feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar with it, The teacher will go around the class and supply the help to the unable ones such a peace and pleasant situation they like to speak the dialogue they learned to express themselves can feel the success and become confident in speaking English .

7. Conclusion (總結)

The teacher would lead the class to read the sentences on the board and ask some more difficult questions e the pupils can not understand them clearly ,but it doesn’t matter just give the pupils more information about the language and give them the better language circumstances that can help them in the future learning .

8. Homework : (家庭作業)

Encourage the pupils to design a little fruit shop at home and teach their family the dialogue in the fruit shop they practice this , they should take photos and show the other pupils the next day .

In this lesson , what I design (not only the presentation of the main teaching points ,but also the activities) attract the pupils interests learn and practice while playing . I think it’s really a good lesson of high quality.

Black design ( 板書設計)

英文說課稿 篇6

1. content of teaching materials

This section focuses on festivals and focuses on how people usually spend their class requires students to master the National, Day, Halloween, Christmas, Spring, Festival and What do people usually do at of...I? free to talk about how to spend the this class, did leads to general questions and answers as well as new use the past tense of the be verb has appeared in the first third units, it is easier for the students to master it when they are studying.

2. status of teaching materials

The selected course in this class is English 6A Unit 6 in Oxford primary teaching of this unit revolves around this section of the festival, students have the knowledge of the previous third units foreshadowing, relatively easy to depth and arrangement reflects not only the progressive meaning of teaching materials, but also the students' knowledge level and cognitive how people spend their holidays, especially in Western festivals,ents are required to collect information in time after the actual teaching, this class uses the old topic, first teaches the new sentence pattern, and uses the sentence pattern to lead the new knowledge way to unfold, this is advantageous for the student to accept and grasp, also has manifested the teaching content the continuity.

Say target:

1. teaching objectives

The new curriculum emphasizes the organic combination of knowledge and skills, process and method, emotion, attitude and values, and in the light of this understanding, I set the following teaching objectives: three.

[Objective] to students' cognitive spoken phrases and words: visit relatives and friends, go to parties, dress up in costumes, ware masks, make pumping lanterns, eat lots of delicious food, National Day, Christmas, Halloween, Spring, Festival, favourite; can use When's , do, people, usually, do, you?, I, did./, No, I, didn, T. and so on.

Ability to communicate in English on holidays, and some students can introduce the festival in English fluently.

[Objective] through activities and games, students are interested in learning English. Students are encouraged and willing to talk and participate actively in let students cultivate their sense of cooperation and competition in the process of learning.

2. teaching difficulties

The focus of teaching is to let students master the phrase, can use phrases to communicate, the ability of students to use the phrase to describe the preliminary exercise Festival; difficulty is to enable students to understand the temporal changes in richness and realize the use of different phrases to create language.

Doctrine of teaching:

1. teaching method design

According to the characteristics of this English class itself and the sixth grade students' interest, I through the design of a specific image of the scene, the old with the new, continuous rolling knowledge, in order to disperse the difficulty of teaching, let students perceive and the same time, the creation of a number of tasks, from words to phrases to sentence to dialogue to pieces, make students practice and meaningful practice in multi exchange between teachers and students in learning, give full play to their enthusiasm, cultivate their ability to learn to use.

2. learning method guidance

To guide students through the method of comparison, observation and speculation gradually new language project function, let the students in practice to realize multi-level learning English "use" the necessity, to encourage students to think actively, bold attempt.

3. teaching means

According to the teaching content, teaching objectives, students' age characteristics and psychological characteristics, in order to better stimulate students' interest in learning, so as to actively participate in imedia courseware, pictures and other teaching aids teaching, the abstract sentence in a vivid scene, the game, not only make the learning process more relaxed, can special case.

Say process:

1. warm up (Warm up)

(1) announce the way of study in this lesson: group seats are divided into four teams, each of which is based on the class performance of each student. At the end of the class, WINNER is , begin "one sentence for each class". The sentences taught in this class are "Lite is long if you know how to use it.""

[design intention] the announcement of the study style made the students full of interest in the lesson and aroused their fighting spirit and desire for the group's performance."One sentence for each class" is an essential part of every class I started in grade section mainly teaches students some clever words and e sentences not only enrich students' vocabulary, improve their expression ability, but also enable them to learn idiomatic expressions in as to create a good atmosphere for learning english.

2. take the old with the new [lead in]

Provide topic Birthday, free communication between teachers and students, and then use the "How do you your birthday spend" to draw the new sentence pattern of this lesson "What do you on your birthday do", and then import "Did you"..."Last birthday?" and use the Colour topic to elicit the sentence pattern My favourite....

[design intention] to get rid of new knowledge through old knowledge is one of my frequently used teaching new students, students can master the sentence patterns more the same time, combine the new sentences with the old helps to cultivate students' open thinking ability.