

校園 閱讀(1.14W)



  表示端午節的英文單詞:the Dragon Boat Festival

1. 屈原在端午節當天投進汨羅江自盡,自從那以後人們開始在這個節日紀念屈原。

It was on Duanwu Festival that Qu Yuan drowned himself in Miluo River.

2. 在南方人們還在端午節舉行划龍舟比賽。

In the south people also hold boat race on the Dragon Festival.

3. 農曆五月初五的端午節有2000多年的歷史了,通常在公曆的六月份。

The Dragon Boat Festial, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2, 000 years.

4. 端午節是wo國二千多年的舊習俗,每到這─天,家家戶戶都懸鐘馗像,掛艾葉菖蒲,賽龍舟,吃粽子,飲雄黃酒,遊百病,佩香囊,備牲醴。

Dragon Boat Festival is 2, 000 years old customs, every day, every household, hanging moxa suspension doors calamus, dragon boat RACES, eating zongzi, drink realgar wine, swim, peiwei impediment, wholly feels ashamed.

5. 我想告訴你,這個端午節我特別想你。

I want to tell you, the Dragon Boat Festival In particular, I would like you to.

6. 你知道什麼時候是端午節嗎?

Do you know when Dragon Boat Festival is?

7. 謝謝你告訴我有關端午節的情況。

Thank you for telling me about Dragon Boat Festival.

  表示建軍節的英文單詞:The Army's Day

1. 八月的第一天是建軍節。

The first day of August is Army Day.

2. 八月的第一天是建軍節。

August The first day of August is Army Day.

3. 今天是中國的建軍節,我表哥在一年前成為了軍人。

Today is Army day in China. My cousin was a serviceman one year ago.

4. 請問你是來參加中國海軍的建軍節的嗎?

Could u tell me that coming to Qingdao is for joining the army day of chinese navy?

5. 當日是伊朗的建軍節,每年的這一天都會舉行隆重的閱兵儀式。

Every year there is a grand military parade to celebrate the day.

6. 每到建軍節,我們都要安排慰問烈軍屬的活動。

Every Army Day we will arrange activities to convey condolences to the members of soldiers, and revolutionary martyr's families.

7. 八月一日是中國建軍節。

August the first is Chinese People's Liberation Army Day.

  表示平安夜的`英文單詞:Christmas Eve

1. 所以,平安夜你要陪在我身邊。。。。。。

Therefore, Christmas Eve You have to go around me......

2. 我期待著在平安夜再次見到你。

I am looking forward to seeing you again on the Christmas Eve.

3. 今年的平安夜,希望有你在身邊,好麼。。。

Much joy to you in the upcoming year.

4. 我在聖誕平安夜的時候到過那兒。

I have been there in the Christmas eve.

5. 謝謝你!讓我過了一個快樂的平安夜!

Thank you! let me have a happy Christmas Eve!

6. 美國在過平安夜的時候都做些什麼有趣的事情,有太多太多了。

The United States in a Christmas Eve when they are do interesting things, too many too much.

7. 我有一個這些有關我的會議聖誕老人的一個寒冷的加拿大平安夜晚上,當我7歲。

I have one of these in relation to my meeting Santa Claus one cold Canadian Christmas Eve night when I was seven years old.

8. 在唐會濃情聖誕派對平安夜將有一顆許願樹,一起來許個願吧!

Here will be a Tree of Blessing in Angel Club for you to make a wish in Xmas Eve Party!

9. 那是第一次親身感受老外的平安夜的前奏,不過還是沒有看到真正的節目和慶典是怎樣的。

Up to now, I still don`t know if the baby is the symbol of Jesus.