

校園 閱讀(1.53W)

有些好的書籍和文章,不管多久之前讀的,總會在你失意或者迷惘時不經意地浮現在你的腦際。 那天在為一個學生講解一篇英語完型填空時,我久久無法忘記那篇美麗而感人的文章。文章講的是在一個擁擠的列車上,有一個五六歲的小男孩在人群中穿梭玩耍。很多乘客都對這個小男孩不耐煩,但是這個小男孩卻不以為意,依舊快樂地自娛自樂。文章的作者當時就在列車上,靜靜地讀報紙。突然間,小男孩走到作者跟著,伸長脖子,兩顆水晶般的眼睛急切地望著作者,似乎有話要和作者說。於是,作者把頭低下,想聽聽這個小男孩說什麼。但是小男孩什麼也沒說,只是輕輕地吻了作者的臉頰一下,然後歡快地跑開了。隨後發生的事情讓作者和列車上的.乘客都感到很吃驚:那個小男孩把車上的每一個乘客都吻了。當大家困惑之際,小男孩的父親平靜地說:“他本來病得很重了,幾次都差點要沒命了,但是都暫時救回來了,所以他很感恩自己還活著,為自己仍然活在這個世界上而感到快樂。”






With the development of cities, more and more new buildings are appearing in the city. Some people claim that the government should ensure all the new buildings should be built in traditional styles. For me, I do not agree with this suggestion.

Undoubtedly, the old buildings can reflect our traditional culture and should be protected and built. They are the houses where the ancient people lived. By appreciating these old buildings, we can have a better understanding of our ancient culture and history.

However, I do not agree that all the new buildings should be built in traditional styles. First of all, a city’s culture identity consists of the past culture and the modern culture. While past culture can be represented by the traditional buildings, modern culture should be reflected by modern buildings. If all the new buildings are built in traditional styles, the modern culture may be lost in the city. Secondly, the style of the new building should be decided by a lot of factors such as location, function, and so on. For instance, it is impossible for us to build a modern shopping mall into traditional style, because there are a lot of famous brands inside. Thirdly, modern buildings can accommodate more people than traditional buildings, which can meet the increasing population.

Therefore, I agree that we should build some old buildings, but we should not build all the buildings into traditional styles. We should consider a lot of aspects before we make the final decision.